Further developments at the SIESS Community

Further developments at the SIESS Community

Today, another SIESS Community meeting took place. This fifth edition was held online. Despite this, it was a great opportunity to share views and learn about the progress of this innovative
project in Navarra.ADItech presented to the SIESS Community the latest platform updates, specifically, the ones related to the the publicly accessible Home page. One update for the original SIESS list and the other one for the list of equipment selected for digital transformation. Also, the API at the IRIS website (Digital Innovation Hub Navarra) that opens a live window showing this equipment. Finally, the new filters put in place in order to retreive a better results list, and the random presentation of the full equipment list, among others.


The SINAI agents discussed their current equipment investments with their peers, 50% of which is granted with the latest Regional Government’s infrastructure funding scheme. This equipment
will be soon uploaded to the SIESS platform, adding up to the available equipment list that can be shared among the Innovation System of Navarra (aka SINAI).